What Are Banner Stands?

Cable Banner Stands Vertical Pole Banner Stands Retractable Banner Stands

Banner stands are a low cost alternative for the exhibitor who is looking for a large graphic area. These versatile displays can be set up very quickly and are easily the most portable display available.

Banner stands come in many shapes and sizes, but the most common types are retractable banner stands, cable display banner stands, tension pole banner stands, vertical pole banner stands and x-stand banner stands. At Tradeshowdirect, we offer a wide selection of each of those products.

In general, most exhibitors prefer retractable banner stands. They are easy to use, lightweight, and very durable, which makes them an excellent long-term choice for the exhibitor who is consistently attending shows. Tension Pole Banner Stands are usually cheaper, because they require less parts, but the graphic is not as well supported, which means they are often less durable.

See the Banner Stands we offer.